Conducting Internal Corporate Investigations

Phase 1: Preparing for the Investigation

The moment you realize there is wrongdoing within your company, you should retain counsel who can advise you as to whether you should conduct an internal investigation. The first part of an investigation is determining what you are investigating and what your goals are for the investigation. You will then have to decide who you want to run the investigation. Here at Global Compliance Investigations LLC ("GCI") we provide the independence needed and bring to you decades of experience conducting internal investigations on behalf of various corporations throughout the country.

Often, there are certain actions that must be taken immediately either before or at the onset of an investigation, such as ensuring whistleblowers are protected, as well as gathering evidence, especially if the evidence in question is at risk of being destroyed. These investigations often carry very heavy implications, which is why meticulous planning is paramount.

Phase 2: Conducting the Investigation

Once you understand the objective of your investigation and your corporate Counsel has retained an investigative firm, the investigation will commence. Our firm can access electronic data from your company’s server, hard documents, and conduct interviews when necessary. As you may know, there are several federal and state laws and regulations regarding collecting data, and if these laws are violated in an investigation, your company can face serious legal repercussions. This is why it is so important to investigators experienced with these laws and remain compliant at all times.

You should also understand that, for obvious reasons, these investigations can potentially affect certain employees, so it is important that you speak with as few employees as possible about the investigation and only those who are not implicated in the investigation. Ensure that any information they gather is done confidentially.

Similarly, when we conduct interviews, we will ensure we only speak with employees or managers who are relevant to the investigation. Limiting the scope of interviewees to only those who are necessary can minimize disruption to your business while still obtaining the information you need. Our team will carefully consider who to interview, where the interviews should take place, and when the best time is to conduct the interviews.

Phase 3: Completing the Investigation

Once we complete the investigation, we will then prepare an exhaustive report of our findings and submit this report to you. This report will contain various recommendations, including whether any disciplinary action should be taken, whether certain training or re-training for employees is necessary, and whether any governmental or regulatory agencies should be informed.

Contact Global Compliance Investigations LLC

If you have any additional questions about internal corporate investigations or you believe your company is in need of one, please do not hesitate to contact Global Compliance Investigations LLC today to learn more about how we can assist you.

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